The ACT Matrix is a sheet you can use to guide your reflections on what you experience, what you do, and what is important. It is based on what you want more of in your life and what you want less of in your life.
When you get a grip on what gives your life meaning, content and satisfaction, you can more easily endure the difficult when you have to make difficult choices or live with the difficult. Put into words what matters to you, and work on what is most important to focus on in your life right now.
Working with your breathing promotes focus on the present and can help reduce anxiety, thoughts and stress symptoms in the body.
A little video that shows how ACT sees moments in our lives where we can choose to go towards our values or away from the pain in our lives.
At Baekkely, we prefer the term "Focused Presence" to mindfulness because there are so many different understandings about what mindfulness is. This video talks about some of the myths linked to mindfulness, discussed by a psychologist specialized in ACT Therapy.
A lot of hype surrounds living life by setting goals. But does this really lead to fulfillment? In this video Russ Harris explains why living by values beats living by goals.
Often, clients in therapy just want to be happy. But can happiness really guide us to a meaningful life? In this video, 3 myths about happiness are presented.